In Acts chapter 2 we read that the members of the early church continued steadfastly in doctrine and fellowship as well as breaking bread from house to house. Home Fellowship Groups are a great way to get to know other people within the church family and invest in each other’s lives through accountability, sharing of prayer requests and fellowship. We pray that you will be strengthened in your faith and encouraged to grow as a disciple of Jesus as we gather to read and discuss the essentials of the Christian faith.
Summer Schedule
6/19 Essentials of the Faith - Kickoff
All Together at Church
6/26 Home Fellowship Groups Week 1
Who is God and what is He like?
7/3 Home Fellowship Groups Week 2
Who is Jesus?
7/10 Home Fellowship Groups Week 3
Who or what is the Holy Spirit
7/17 All Church Gathering
Worship @ Church
7/24 Home Fellowship Groups Week 4
What is sin and how does it affect us?
7/31 Home Fellowship Groups Week 5
How did God deal with our sin?
8/7 Home Fellowship Groups Week 6
What must we do to be saved?
8/14 All Church Gathering
8/21 Home Fellowship Groups Week 7
What is water baptism?
8/28 Home Fellowship Groups Week 8
What is discipleship?
9/4 All Church Bonfire